Christopher Neefus
Please find below a representative sample of my work: a collection of select text and multimedia clips, editorials, and a sampling of my academic writings.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) talks to me about a new budget outlook from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) that paints a bleak picture of the coming debt crisis. Pelosi, however, touts the Democrats' Pay-as-You-Go plan and says the lion's share of the blame for profligate spending belongs with the Bush administration.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Sen. Evan Bayh (D-Ind.) talk to me about cutting spending. While McCain commits to cutting all of the $6 trillion it would take to balance the budget over the next decade, Bayh suggests waiting to see the pace at which the economy grows over that period, which could bolster incoming revenues.

Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood tells me about the "sea change" he intends to bring to U.S. transportation -- including more walking and biking paths, and more sustainable neighborhoods -- as well as how it will be implemented and paid for. LaHood was talking to me after an event bringing awareness to the dangers of texting while driving, which also featured Oprah Winfrey, television journalist Lisa Ling, actor Mario Lopez, radio host Gayle King, and members of the National Transportation Safety Board (NSTB).


Los Angeles Mayor Antonia Villaraigosa talks to me about federal immigration policy in the wake of LA's citywide boycott of Arizona over S.B. 1070. Villaraigosa also tells me that illegal immigrants actually bolster the "economic might" of the state of California, which shares a border with Mexico.

In the heat of the battle over President Obama's health care reform plan, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) tells me about the parliamentary tactics available to Republicans who would like to stall passage of the bill. Hatch says Vice President Joe Biden would "go down in history as a real dolt" if he were to use his constitutional power as President of the Senate to help Democrats pass the bill through the upper chamber of Congress.

In the midst of challenging incumbent Gov. Rick Perry for the Republican nomination for Texas Governor, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchision (R-Tex.) talks to me about her opposition to President Obama's health care reform bill and her belief that its provisions violate the U.S. Constitution. She tells me she will raise a point of order arguing that the bill violates the 10th Amendment in addition to the Commerce Clause argument raised by many Republicans.

News & Editorial

   Plug Your Small Business into Web 2.0

(FOX Business) - I speak to executives at American Express and Visa about their efforts to help small businesses acheive their goals through expanding their Web 2.0 presence
  Ultimate Earphones Pack an Ultimate Price Tag
(FOX Business) - I report on the rise of earbuds that pack a $1,000-plus price tag-- they promise to block out ambient noise without the bulk, while also delivering studio-quality sound. These buds, which require a special physician's fitting have attracted the likes of AFI, Ingrid Michaelson, Rilo Kiley, and Rogue Wave.
Sebelius: U.S. Will Donate H1N1 Vaccine Before Filling Domestic Demand

( - Sebelius told me on Capitol Hill that the U.S. would donate 10 percent of its total ordered doses of Swine Flu vaccine before our own domestic demand is filled.
Hoyer: Congress Needs New Law to Reuse Extra TARP Funds

( - House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told me Speaker Pelosi's plan to use TARP funds on a new jobs bill will would require a separate law aimed at freeing up the money from its initial purpose of providing liquidity.
DHS General Counsel on Presidential Transition

(Colgate Maroon-News) - Top DHS attorney Gus Coldebella talks to me about his experience implementing a smooth transition of power between outgoing President George W. Bush and President-elect Barack Obama.
Claman on Financial Meltdown

(Colgate Maroon-News) - CNBC and FOX anchor Liz Claman talks to me about her reporting on the Wall Street meltdown and landing a job in the post-crash climate.